Vatican launches streaming service VatiVision

The Vatican will launch its own streaming service VatiVison this coming spring.

The new platform will be launched next spring to stream films, documentaries and programmes with religious content on all digital media. This project was born from the collaboration of two Italian companies. Officina della Comunicazione, which holds 75% of the capital of VatiVision, based in Bergamo, is a production company. The remaining 25% is held by Vetrya, an international Umbrian-based group specialising in the development of digital services and cloud computing platforms.

The Officina della Comunicazione has been working for many years with CTV (Centro Televisivo Vaticano) founded in 1983 by John Paul II, which became the Vatican Media in 2017. And there are close links with the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See.

This has enabled nearly 50 productions to be produced, including documentaries, films and series, in particular with the collaboration of RAI, Discovery, Sky and TV2000, the audiovisual network of the Italian episcopate.

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