GameGuardian – Game Hack/Alteration Tool v87.7 Cracked APK is Here ! [Latest]
GameGuardian – Game Hack/Alteration Tool v87.7 Cracked APK is Here ! [Latest]
Without it, you are played by games; with it, you play games in your own rules!
- Runs on ARM and x86 devices, including x86 emulators (BlueStacks, Droid4X, Genymotion etc.)
- Game deceleration and acceleration (ARM devices only)
- Explicit and "fuzzy" numeric searches
- Supports: Dword, Float, XOR, Word, Byte, or Auto data-type searches
- Modify all search results at once
- Filtering of search results (address greater than and less than, value greater than and less than)
- App locale for over 90 languages
- And, much, much more
This tool only works on rooted devices! You can find more information about rooting your device at XDA Developers.
Want to help us improve, or add a translation? Then please visit thread "If you want to add a new translation or improve an existing".
If you are having issues with the app, please visit thread "Gathering information about GG errors".
How To Use GameGuardian?
- Make sure Game Guardian is running (doggy icon will be translucent on screen)
- Open game and find value you want to change (cash, HP etc)
- Press icon, search tab and press search and enter the number
- Go back to the game and change the value in some way (gain money etc)
- Go back to GG and search again for the new value and your results will be narrowed down
- If needed, repeat steps 4 and 5 until down to very few results.
- Long-press on value and enter the desired value. Go back to app and the value will be changed!:)
Download Links
GameGuardian – Game Hack/Alteration Tool v87.7 Сracked APK | Mirror | Mirror
GameGuardian – Game Hack/Alteration Tool v87.5 Cracked APK | Mirror
GameGuardian – Game Hack/Alteration Tool v87.4 Cracked APK | Mirror
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