App Shopper: enLARGE (Photography)

App Shopper: enLARGE (Photography)

Do you print your own enlargements using a traditional optical darkroom enlarger?

If you do, then you'll know that you can make some great looking enlargements. But you'll also know how inefficient, time consuming and wasteful the enlarging process can be.

For example, let's suppose you're producing a larger enlargement, eg. A4, 16×20", or 20×24".

You'll begin by enlarging your image to the appropriate size. Then you'll make one or more test strips or perhaps a full-sheet stepped test print.

You'll examine these tests and then make your first final print. Well, on examining it, it's never quite right, is it? Perhaps it needs more or less exposure or contrast, or some dodging and/or burning. And what about the effect of print dry-down?

So in an effort to improve and perfect it, you'll make another improved print, and then perhaps another after that. And by the time you've produced your first finished or perfect print, you've wasted several large sheets of photo print paper producing large test strips, stepped test prints and failed enlargements, together with the time and processing chems involved in exposing and processing them. It's wasteful, and it multiplies your costs.

This is where enLARGE comes in. enLARGE is the innovative new app that lets you use your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad as a PREDICTIVE EXPOSURE COMPUTER for your traditional optical darkroom enlarger. Specifically, it lets you compute the exposure time needed to expose any LARGER enlargement once you know the exposure time needed to expose a correct looking SMALLER enlargement made of the same image first. 

So using enLARGE, you'll first make a TINY PERFECT TEST ENLARGEMENT of your image at any small size above 1X, eg. credit card, wallet or postcard size, and then you'll use enLARGE to compute the exposure time needed to expose a perfectly matching LARGER enlargement of any larger size, thus also above 1X, and the larger enlargement will match the smaller enlargement perfectly, without error, and in this way you'll avoid the substantial waste of time and materials normally incurred in the production of larger enlargements. Similarly, enLARGE lets you easily make whole SETS of perfectly matched variously sized enlargements from the one negative with no exposure retesting needed.

How does enLARGE work, and how do you use it? In fact each different enlarger exhibits its own unique EXPOSURE CURVE, being the relationship it displays between PRINT MAGNIFICATION and REQUIRED EXPOSURE TIME, so to make enLARGE work with your enlarger you need to CALIBRATE it to your enlarger first, a process which you carry out in the wet darkroom using enLARGE with your enlarger. Once done, enLARGE is able to compute the correct exposure time needed to expose all larger enlargements made using the calibrated enlarger above 1X, thus the enlarged image is the same size as the source negative, or larger.

enLARGE works with enlargers of all types including diffused, condenser, mixing chamber and cold light grid, and with all types of filtration systems including dichroic, Multigrade, filter drawer, and below-lens. It works with negatives of all formats and sizes, and with enlarging lenses of all designs and focal lengths. It can easily be used in split-grade printing.

Whilst performing its predictive exposure function, enLARGE also provides 3 additional functions useful to your enlarging process. It carries and computes four DODGE & BURN VALUES; It computes and displays a secondary DRY-DOWN EXPOSURE TIME; and it helps you to manage SPLIT EXPOSURES in which a single longer exposure time is split into a sequence of two or more shorter consecutive exposures. These shorter exposures tend to produce an enlargement which is slightly lighter than one produced using a single longer exposure, so enLARGE automatically lengthens its computed split times to compensate.

Save time and money in the darkroom, and make better looking enlargements in all the sizes you like, with enLARGE.

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What’s New

New enLARGE works with enlarging lenses of all focal lengths and at all magnifications above 1X

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