App Shopper: ForeFlight Mobile EFB (Weather)
App Shopper: ForeFlight Mobile EFB (Weather)
Download for a 30-day free trial. ForeFlight is the essential, integrated flight app that makes planning, flying, and logging flights a joy.
ForeFlight delivers advanced flight planning capabilities, terminal procedure charts, enroute navigation charts, moving map, synthetic vision, hazard awareness, optional Jeppesen charts, a comprehensive library of market-leading weather information and visualization features, a large library of advanced aircraft performance profiles, customizable checklists, integration with a wide range of certified avionics and portable ADS-B and GPS receivers for inflight weather and data, a built-in documents catalog and cloud document capability for management of aircraft and flight operations publications, an easy-to-use pilot logbook for keeping track of flight experience, and so much more. ForeFlight is backed by our Pilot Support Team who delivers amazingly fast, accurate, and friendly customer service.
Please note: Location is used to enable a moving map and to record track logs, the camera is used to attach photos to logbook, push notifications are used for important bulletins and flight alerts, and contacts are used to add people to flights.
ForeFlight requires a subscription. Visit our website for more information on the available plan levels.
Plan flights with Touch Planning on the Map or full-featured form-based Flights view. Tap out a route in seconds and quickly see if flights will be affected by weather or TFRs. Helpful Route, Altitude, and Procedure Advisors make planning easy and accurate. Generate a graphical preflight briefing and file your flight plan directly from the app. Print a professional-grade Navlog for inflight reference.
Interactive weather layers include animated radar, global satellite and winds aloft, global icing, turbulence, and surface analysis, graphical AIR/SIGMETs, flight category, visibility, and more. View decoded METARs, TAFs, and MOS forecasts. Thoughtfully organized Imagery view puts a full range of forecast tools at your fingertips.
Both VFR and IFR operations are covered with all of the essentials required for planning and navigation: data-driven Aeronautical Maps, VFR Sectionals, High/Low Enroute charts, SIDs, STARs, approach and taxi charts, and terrain, satellite, and street map views.
Plates and taxi charts enable the real time display of your GPS location on the chart. They can also be overlaid on the Maps view along with weather and hazards for the ultimate situational awareness.
Plan and fly with more confidence in all conditions and terrain. Top-down-view Hazard Advisor map layer, Terrain Profile View, and 3D Synthetic Vision seamlessly integrate into the map display to depict a clear picture of terrain and obstacle hazards anywhere in the world. When paired with an AHRS source, Synthetic Vision provides a backup attitude display.
Logbook makes it easy to log and share flights, track hours, review currency, record certificates and ratings, receive electronic instructor endorsements, and create experience reports. Your data is automatically synced across all your devices and protected in secure cloud storage.
Built-in documents catalog with FAR/AIM, charts supplements, and more
Airport, FBO, and fuel price information for thousands of locations
Dynamic data-driven Aeronautical Maps
Weight & Balance
Glide Advisor
Expected route and EDCT flight notifications
Automatic over-the-air data updates
Chart color inversion for better night flying experience
Access to web planner
Flying Magazine Editor’s Choice 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
App of the Year, Aviation Consumer, July 2011
Best Selling iPad Aviation App: 2010, 2011, 2012
“Best app for IFR” – Aviation Consumer
“One of the most popular and most-respected aviation apps available” – Sporty’s Pilot Shop
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What’s New
Camera Modes & Route Line in 3D Review
•Follow planned and recorded flights from a new interactive third-person view of your aircraft and route line.
•Use the new Camera Mode buttons in the bottom-left of 3D Review to switch between first- and third-person modes. In third-person mode the camera stays centered on your aircraft, allowing you to pan, tilt, and zoom the view to see it from any angle.
•In both modes your route line appears as a blue curtain that the aircraft travels along, making it easy to see your route's path before and after your current position.
•Track Logs recorded with an AHRS-capable device like Sentry will incorporate pitch and bank data into the blue aircraft's movements in third-person view.
•3D Review is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Import G1000 Track Logs to ForeFlight
•ForeFlight can now import and display track logs recorded by a Garmin G1000, making it easier for G1000 owners to keep their track logs organized and accessible in one place.
•Tap the new Import button in the top-right corner of ForeFlight's Track Log view to find and import G1000 track logs on your device or on an SD card connected with an adapter. You can also import track logs via Airdrop and iTunes.
•ForeFlight marks newly imported track logs with a "New" tag to make them easier to find after importing.
•Imported G1000 track logs retain all types of flight data supported by ForeFlight's own Track Logs, allowing you to use them with features like Track Log Review and 3D Review.
Plain Text PIREPs on Maps
•ForeFlight will now translate and display PIREP information in a more readable format, similar to how ForeFlight displays METARs and TAFs.
•Tap on a PIREP marker on the Maps view to see each component that ForeFlight is able to translate displayed individually below the PIREP's original coded text.
•ForeFlight already provides a plain text translation of PIREPs as part of the Graphical HTML Briefing.
International Navlog Template
•Change the layout of ForeFlight's Navlog with the new "International" template, offering an alternative format with more space for note-taking and other changes.
•Tap the Navlog Settings button in the top-right corner while viewing a Navlog to select the International template and refresh the Navlog.
•The International template includes extra space for notes, including your ATIS, clearance, and inflight actuals, as well as a layout that some operators may prefer for international flights.
•The International Navlog Template is available with ForeFlight Performance plans.
Tap on Distance Rings to Change Style
•Quickly change the Distance Rings style on the Maps view by tapping any of the labels attached to each ring. You can then select any of the available styles, including Automatic (Distance), Automatic (Time), or five fixed distance and time settings.
•Enable Distance Rings in the Map Overlays section of the Map Settings menu (the "gear" button to the right of FPL) on the Maps view.
Biplane and Floatplane Location Markers
•New location markers representing a Biplane and a Floatplane are now available to display your GPS location on the map during a flight.
•Select the new location markers or choose from many other civilian and military aircraft in More > Settings > Current Location Marker.
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